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Solar System Constraints on Scalar-Tensor Gravity with Positive Coupling Constant upon Cosmological Evolution of the Scalar Field

机译:具有正耦合的标量 - 张量重力的太阳系约束   标量场的宇宙演化不变



Scalar-tensor theories of gravity modify General Relativity by introducing ascalar field that couples non-minimally to the metric tensor, while satisfyingthe weak-equivalence principle. These theories are interesting because theyhave the potential to simultaneously suppress modifications to Einstein'stheory on Solar System scales, while introducing large deviations in the strongfield of neutron stars. Scalar-tensor theories can be classified through thechoice of conformal factor, a scalar that regulates the coupling between matterand the metric in the Einstein frame. The class defined by a Gaussian conformalfactor with negative exponent has been studied the most because it leads tospontaneous scalarization (i.e. the sudden activation of the scalar field inneutron stars), which consequently leads to large deviations from GeneralRelativity in the strong field. This class, however, has recently been shown tobe in conflict with Solar System observations when accounting for thecosmological evolution of the scalar field. We study whether this remains thecase when the exponent of the conformal factor is positive, as well as inanother class of theories defined by a hyperbolic conformal factor. We findthat in both of these scalar-tensor theories, Solar System tests are passedonly in a very small subset of parameter space, for a large set of initialconditions compatible with Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. However, while we findthat it is possible for neutron stars to scalarize, one must carefully selectthe coupling parameter to do so, and even then, the scalar charge is typicallytwo orders of magnitude smaller than in the negative exponent case. Our studysuggests that future work on scalar-tensor gravity, for example in the contextof tests of General Relativity with gravitational waves from neutron starbinaries, should be carried out within the positive coupling parameter class.
机译:引力的标量张量理论通过引入一个标量场来修改广义相对论,该标量场在满足弱等价原理的同时不与度量张量最小耦合。这些理论之所以有趣,是因为它们具有同时抑制爱因斯坦理论在太阳系尺度上的修改,同时在中子星强场中引入较大偏差的潜力。标量-张量理论可以通过选择保形因子来分类,保形因子是在爱因斯坦框架中调节物质与度量之间耦合的标量。对具有负指数的高斯共形因子定义的类进行了最多的研究,因为它会导致自发标量化(即标量场中子星的突然激活),从而导致与强相对论的广义相对论有较大偏差。但是,在考虑标量场的宇宙学演化时,最近已证明此类与太阳系观测结果相矛盾。我们研究了当共形因子的指数为正时以及在由双曲形共形因子定义的另一类理论中是否仍然存在这种情况。我们发现,在这两个标量张量理论中,对于与Big Bang核合成兼容的大量初始条件,仅在很小的参数空间子集中通过了太阳系测试。然而,尽管我们发现中子星有可能进行标量,但必须仔细选择耦合参数,即使如此,标量电荷通常也比负指数情况小两个数量级。我们的研究建议在标量-张量重力方面的未来工作,例如在广义相对论与中子星际双星引力波的测试中,应在正耦合参数类别内进行。



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